Family Ministry



The goal at Liberty Barn Church is to allow children to grow in Christ and thrive with His love in a very fun and exciting Sunday school program.

Register now for the current Sunday School year by contacting Jenny Dodson, Kids Ministry Coordinator.

Volunteers are the heart of our Sunday School program and are always welcome to teach and/or assist in all ages, from Preschool through High School. We provide the lessons and all materials—and you never teach alone. Please prayerfully consider volunteering to assist in Sunday School throughout the year.

Liberty Barn Kids Facebook Page

Follow us for up-to-date information about events and signups!


Nursery and Toddler childcare is offered for our services, with pagers available. Our Sunday school program offers exciting activities for children in Preschool through Fifth Grade.

Nursery + Toddlers (birth up to 3 years old)

Our youngest ones are lovingly cared for each Sunday and will find comfort in baby swings or in the gentle arms of our caregivers. We are well stocked with multi-sensory toys and activities to engage each age group. A simple message is taught each Sunday that focuses on Christ’s love in action. The room opens 15 minutes prior to the start of worship.

Preschool and Kindergarten

These classes present simple Bible truths in a fresh, interactive setting that capitalizes on a child’s need to experience life with all their senses! Children grow in Bible knowledge through such activities as: interpretive music, simple crafts, exciting games, creative snacks, and special story time. Our curriculum focuses on helping young children learn how to know, love, and follow Christ. Classes are dismissed from worship following the pastor’s Kids’ Message.

1st - 3rd Grades

Lessons gets kids engaged with a fun, high-energy, camp-like experience. Each month, kids will experience trustworthy Bible content wrapped in a fun, new theme. This fully-digital curriculum is designed to help every kid connect deeply, find real friends, feel included in a group, and become emotionally prepared to hear the gospel message. Classes are dismissed from worship following the pastor’s Kids’ Message.

Christians In Action (4th & 5th Grades)

Lesson content is designed to help our older elementary kids experience Bible content that is relevant to their life. Topical discussions, exciting hands-on and team-building activities engage the class. Digital lessons and Bible exploration bring to life God’s Word and His truths, with Jesus at the heart of each message. Classes are dismissed from worship following the pastor’s Kids’ Message.

How can you be a part of this at Liberty?

Please prayerfully consider your role in Kids Ministry—God could you be calling you. Are you willing to answer? For more information, contact Jenny Dodson.



Our VBS is held every summer, for one week in the mornings, during the month of July. Our unique program, unlike any other in the area, includes classes featuring crafts, music, drama, and games on a Biblical theme. We also offer a strong emphasis on community outreach.


These include annual events like our Palm Sunday Processional, Easter Egg Hunt, Advent’s Prepare-the-Way Day, and the Children’s Christmas Pageant, as well as seasonal children’s choirs for various age groups.


Liberty’s Youth Group strives to:

  • Create a welcoming second home for our youth and families.
  • Provide the opportunity to be transformed by the truth of God’s word.
  • Extend God’s grace, love, and peace to those in need.


  • Sunday’s Together are opportunities for youth in grades 6-12 to have fun together! We gather after the 10:30 AM service for lunch, outings, whole campus games, and more.
  • High School Youth Group is for youth in grades 9-12. Gathering on Sundays from 6:30-8:30 PM, teens can expect to play games and discuss how faith and life intersect through discussions and engaging activities. This is the perfect place to start if you’re new!
  • Middle School Youth Group is for youth in grades 6-8. Youth gather on Tuesdays from 6:30-8:00 PM to play games and dig into scripture together in small groups. This is the perfect place to start if you’re new!
  • Retreats are an incredible way to connect with others, with God, and to take a break from the stress of everyday life. Each year we offer one fall retreat for youth in grades 6-12, as well as separate middle and high school winter retreats.
  • Meeting with a Pastor is an additional option if you are struggling in any way. Pastor Kelsey is available to meet for coffee or ice cream, or come on by the church during regular office hours.
  • Youth Sunday School meets during the 10:30 AM worship service. All youth in grades 6-12 are invited to engage with the scripture preached in worship with activities, discussions, and videos tailored to their stage of life.
  • Digging Deeper is a Bible study for high school students that meets on Wednesdays from 8:00 to 9:00 PM. Like the name suggests, this group digs deep into Scripture, discussing theology and hard questions. Families host this group in their homes.
  • Ignite Worship is a youth-led worship service geared towards youth and families, but all are welcome. Youth lead music and a message, and the service is designed to engage the congregation in creative ways. Dinner and games follow the service. Worship is from 6:30-7:15 PM in the Chapel.
  • Confirmation is for those ready to make a big step in their faith. Through retreats, weekly discussions, faith projects, and church involvement, this two-year program seeks to challenge youth to think deeply about who God is and invites them to claim deep faith for themselves. Confirmation often takes place in 8th grade, but 8th-12th graders are welcome.
  • Middle School Montreat is a summer youth conference for those who have completed grades 5-8 in the spring. We gather with other Presbyterian youth from all over the country for five days of worship, small groups, and fun activities. High school youth can apply to be on the Work Crew. This year the conference is July 16th-20th. Register by March 9th.
  • High school summer mission trips are a wonderful way to serve God and learn from people in different cultures. Youth who have finished 8th-12th grade in the spring join alongside adults for a week of service, community engagement, worship, exploration, and deeply meaningful connection. This year we will travel to San Juan, Puerto Rico to serve with local churches and community partners as they do the ongoing care and work for those affected by natural disasters.
  • LBC partners with many local non-profits to care for our community. Regular organizations that youth participate with are Street Church, Adopt-a-Family, and Habitat for Humanity Walls Builds.
  • Many of our youth serve within the church community as well! If you have spiritual gifts of working with children, tech, music, teaching, mentoring, or gardening, there is a place for you to serve here.


Liberty is excited to announce a group just for ages 18-23! All current college students, as well as recent high school and college graduates are invited to join us!

This group will be growing together in fellowship, participating in a Bible study, and looking for new ways to serve our community! This will be a great opportunity to not only reconnect with old friends, but also to strengthen your faith as you prepare to go out into the world.