Latest News

Our service times are 9:00 AM and 10:30 AM; both services are in the Barn Sanctuary. Sunday school classes are available for kids at both service times and for youth at the second service. Livestream is available for both services.

Join us as we dive DEEP into the Gospel of Luke to discover Jesus’s heart for everyone. Each week we’ll unpack an important section of Luke to highlight who Jesus is and how the text connects to our everyday life.
Use these buttons to find and download the app for your device(s).
We are excited to announce that soon Liberty Church will complete our transition from Realm to the Church Center app. All Giving processed through Realm will terminate as of February 23. If you have not done so already, please add the Church Center app to your phone and create a profile.
Through Church Center you will be able to update your profile, OPT IN to Liberty’s directory, and set up new “scheduled” Giving. If you have any questions about Giving, please email Financial Administrator Dana Meeker.

February Family Event
Use the button below to register for this fun outreach event for families!

Winter Youth Retreats
Take a break from the busyness of everyday life and join LBC Youth for a relaxing, fun, and faith-filled weekend in Hocking Hills! We’ll be staying in a beautiful cabin near hiking trails that lead to Old Man’s Cave and other scenic spots.
You can look forward to deepening your faith, playing games, enjoying great food, and building lasting friendships. We hope you’ll join us! Friends are welcome. Additionally, adult chaperones (male and female) are needed!

Download Our Church Center App
Want to stay connected to Liberty Barn Church? Well, we have an app for that! You can join a small group, register for upcoming events, check-in early for Sunday School, watch recent sermon messages, as well as manage your giving with ease!

Need help with our app?
On March 2 and April 6, we invite you to come down to the Barn Lower Level at 11:30 AM if you’d like to have help with our Church Center app! Several staff members will be available to offer assistance or answer questions you may have.
If you can download the app to your device in advance, that would be advantageous and then we can help you get it set up. But, if you need help in downloading and installing the app to your device, you’ll need to come prepared to enter the username and password for your account—an Apple ID, for example.
If you are not able to attend either of these dates, please contact the Church Office or call 740-548-6075 to arrange a convenient time during the week to stop by for assistance. We are happy to help!

Parenting Seminar Series
Liberty Families are invited to join us for our parenting seminar series on training children with a Biblical focus occurring on various Sundays through April. We are asking all participants to bring a food item to share. Childcare available upon request.
The next seminar will be on February 23. Join us in FEARING HALL from 11:45 AM to 1:00 PM (with childcare in Carriage House 103). For more information, contact Family Ministry Director Dawn Parr.
Parents, grandparents, and other caregivers are welcome to attend one, a couple, or all of the classes. Please use the button below to sign up for what works in your schedule.

Travelin’ Tom’s Coffee Truck will be here on March 2 between services —and again on each first Sunday of the month through May. Buy a hot or cold beverage on your way in to or out of worship!

Youth-Led Worship Evening
Plan to join us for youth-led evening worship on March 9 in the Chapel from 6:30-7:15 PM.
Dinner and fellowship/games will follow, from 7:15-8:30 PM. Everyone is invited!

Our church email with updates for the coming week.
Usually delivered on Wednesdays.
Click on the dates below to view recent issues.

Family Focus
Our weekly update email for kids and youth activities.
Usually delivered on Tuesdays.
Click on the dates below to view recent issues.